Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Pathology Results

Travis and Jennifer received sad news today -- Dr. Lang's nurse, Anna, said that Travis' tumor was a Grade 3, an anaplastic astrocytoma (cancer). Dr. Lang will be in later today to talk to them.

We know that you understand this is a very difficult day, and we ask that you respect our privacy at this time with no phone calls or visits.

Please continue to pray. We know God is hearing our prayers, and while His answers are different from our desires, we are faithful and know His ways are best.

Travis and Jennifer


Dawn said...

We are with you and sending out a prayer chain for you. I can't even to begin to know what you are experiencing right now. I pray that you can continue to find strength within, and know that you are still in Gods hands. I pray for peace and guidence over the decisions that you are going to have to make. I am so sorry that you received this news today.

tisdale family said...

We are lifting you guys up right now! We love you all!

Mary Frances and David said...

Oh my goodness, Bama prayers POURING out to each of you during this difficult time! Praying for God's Peace that sustains us and His DIVINE understanding in a delicate, fragile situation like this!
Sometimes we don't know what to pray, we just reach out to you from our HEARTS to yours tonite!
Lifting you up friends! We love y'all so very much.
Mary Frances & David

The browns said...

Jeremiah 32:27

"Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?"

With much love!!
-The Browns

bwilson said...

where 2 or more are gathered in his name, there he will be also. We pray for God's perfect will in Travis's life. We pray for peace in your lives right now. We pray for God's perfect guidance in the doctors attending to Travis. We love you and miss you and Jacob.

Becky Wilson and Stacy Vogler tb

Linda.Lytle said...

Our family was saddened to hear the sad news. I had just read the update and went to retrieve the mail for today. I had received a small devotional book. I turned to the first page and this very fitting poem was the first one in the book.

Children of the Heavenly Fold

What comfort to take our burdened souls
And come before the living God,
For he can lessen every care
And dissipate the darkest cloud.
He's God, and He's all powerful;
He's there to meet our every need.
He stops the stormy winds that blow
And calms the raging waves at sea.
So, when life's cares and burdens press,
Let's come in prayer and bare our souls.
He'll welcome us with outstretched arms...
His children of the heavenly fold.

Loise Pinkerton Fritz

Linda Lytle- Franklin, Tennessee

Trisha Cook said...

Psalm 112:7 (NIV) He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.

Jennifer & Travis,
I can not stand in your shoes but I will stand with you and pray for strength and wisdom. I will lift you up to our Father daily! Trust only in HIM!!! Love and prayers, Trisha Cook

John Erdely said...

I just heard about about your surgery today from my singles group at Bear Creek Baptist. I am also a survivor of a malignant brain tumor. Dr. Moradi performed the surgery in October 2000 at Memorial City Hermann Hospital. I know this a trying time for you and your family. I pray that God will give you and your family strength and peace to face the challenges ahead. Myself and the BCBC singles will be praying for your comfort and healing. One Bible verse that helped me get through this is Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

John Erdely

Armando and Sandy said...

Hey whats up man. Our prayers are with you. Everyone that I know is praying for you. Please call me if you need anything or just want to talk.

Tiffany said...

You all are in my thoughts and prayers constantly.

--Tiffany & Rufus

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."
-Psalm 46:1

Unknown said...

My heart hurts for you both. We won't stop praying. Much love, Misti and Brian

Gerry and Sandee Mariacher said...

We were very sorry to hear the latest news. Please know that during this very difficult time, you and your family are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers.

Christina Cornelius said...

I have so many people praying for you. My church prayer ministry, my sunday school class, my neighbors, my friends and anyone that I run into that will listen. Know that everyone is with you in prayer and in spirit. You are both in my heart, and I am here for you. There is not a moment of any day that goes by, that you guys are not in my thoughts and prayers. Remember, if there is anything at all that you need, I am here.

Christy Richardson said...

Travis & Jennifer,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time. We are praying for you each & everyday!!
Feel the strength from all of us!
Remember Phillipians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Psalm 71:3 "Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: thou hast given commandment to save me, for thou art my rock and my fortress."
We love you, stay strong!
My Mackenzie says hello to Ms.Jennifer, she loves you and misses you, she says her little prayer for you every night!
Bless you both!
Sincerely, Christy Richardson

Michelle said...

I will continue to pray for Travis and for all of you during this difficult time.