Wednesday, January 9, 2008

January 9th Appointments

Well tomorrow January 10th is the big day. Today was another long appointment day at MD Anderson. We met with the surgeon, Dr. Lang, to discuss all of the preoperative accounts of preparing for surgery. During this appointment Travis' head was marked with probes that will line up with the MRI and be used during the operation. Next we met with the anesthesiologist to discuss how he would control the anesthesia while Travis is in surgery. It was our first meeting with him, but found him to be very thorough in his explanation of his role during the surgery.
I have a little bit of new information for all of you prayer warriors out there. Our check-in time will be 5:15 am. During this time Travis will be taken into a holding room where they will take blood (just in case a blood transfusion be needed), and begin to prepare him physically for the surgical craniotomy. Dr. Lang believes he will begin to perform his portion of the surgery at 8:30 am. The first 2 hours of surgery Travis will be asleep. During this time they will open his brain to remove the tumor. For the next 4-6 hours Travis will be in and out of conscience to assist the anesthesiologist and neurosurgeon make their decision on what part of the tumor to remove. The first stage (awakening) of the surgery will be the difficult, so please pray that the anesthesiologist will be successful in awakening him and that he will have no trouble waking up in a mild manner and willing to participate. The last 2 hours of the surgery will be putting everything back into place. After surgery Travis will be in the ICU as long as needed. I hope you find this information useful and use it as much as our family will during the surgery.
We thank you all so very much for all of the support, encouragement and prayers you have given us.

We Love You!

Philippians 4:6 (New International Version)
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

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